Thursday, 5 April 2012

mini mini haul :)

On Wednesday I spend about half of my day in a shopping trip with my aunt and these were the purchases that were made !

Both from Zara, the blouse/tshirt is this beautiful corally colour that I adored right away and although it needs something to go underneeth it because it's so transparent ( 12,95euros). The skirt is simple short and black, firstly I didn't think of bringing it but I'd wanted one like this forerver and I just knew that I'd never find another one so soon, so I went back there and got it (also, 12,95euros) and I don't think I made a mistake....
what do you think??

Thank you for reading, commenting and following :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the skirt & blouse! Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog btw! xo, Megs


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